Loans are an essential part of the financial system in any country. They provide a way for people to borrow money when needed and also play an important role in the economy by helping finance new businesses and projects.
There are many different types of loans, each with its benefits and drawbacks. It is vital to understand the different types of loans before applying for one.
A secured loan used to purchase a house or an apartment. The property serves as collateral and if the loan is defaulted, the bank can foreclose on the property and sell it for repayment.
A mortgage loan is given to a borrower against the property they own. The property itself functions as the collateral.
Given to a business to start or expand their operations. The loan can fund numerous business purposes, and the collateral for the loan is usually the business itself.
Unsecured loan that can be used for any purpose. You don’t need to put up any collateral for the loan, but the interest rates are usually higher compared to a home loan or a car loan.
Availed by students to pay for their education. The loan can be used for educational expenses and is usually released against the student’s future earnings.
Given to a borrower to purchase a car or two-wheeler. The vehicle serves as collateral and the bank can repossess the vehicle and sell it in the case of any default.